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Former Graduate Students

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Hydro Group Graduate Students - Since 1968

Professor Irwin Remson led the Hydro Group from 1968 through 1988.  He remained active until 1995.  

Between 1988 and 1995 the Hydro Group transitioned to Steve Gorelick.  


  • Leland Turk
    "Hydrogeology of the Bonneville Salt Flats, Utah"
  • Maurice Veatch
    "Ground-water occurrence, movement and hydrochemistry within a complex stratigraphic framework, Jefferson County, Nebraska"


  • George Hornberger
    "Numerical Studies of Composite Soil-Moisture Ground-Water Systems"
    Professor, University of Virginia
  • Frederick Molz
    "A Model Study of Moisture Flow to Plant Roots"
    Professor, Clemson University


  • Eduardo Aguado
  • Mary Anderson
    Professor, Univ Of Wisconsin Madison
  • Janet Ebert


  • John Dohrenwend
  • Stewart McGee
  • Melvin Zucker
    Professor, Skyline College


  • Stephen Egemeier
    "Cavern Development by Thermal Waters with a Possible Bearing on Ore Deposition"


  • Mary Anderson
    "Numerical Studies of Linked Soil-Moisture and Groundwater Systems"
    Professor, Univ Of Wisconsin Madison
  • John Reeder
    Alaska Div Geol & Geophy Survey,
  • Edward Shanahan
    President, Shanahan Consulting
  • Peter Shanahan
  • Daniel Stephens
    Hydrologist, Daniel B. Stephens and Associates, Inc.


  • John Dohrenwend
  • Jeffrey Gilman
    "Hydrogeology of northern Mercer County, North Dakota"
    Senior Consulting Hydrogeologist, MFG, Inc.
  • Nicholas Sitar
    "Optimization of dewatering schemes"
    Professor, University of California-Berkeley


  • William Alley
    "Numerical Simulation of Transient and Steady State Optimal Pumping from Artesian Aquifers"
  • James Baker
  • Mark Howland
    "Hydrogeology of the Palo Alto baylands, Palo Alto, California : with emphasis on the tidal marshes"
    Corduroy Charitable Trust,
  • Thomas Nicholson
    "Geomorphology and hydrogeology of Wild Horse Valley, Foothills Park, Palo Alto, California"
    Senior Technical Advisor, US NRC


  • Steven Gorelick
    Professor, Stanford University
  • David Stonestrom
  • Manuel Varela-Sanchez
    Ministerio De Medio Ambiente,


  • Beverly Herzog
    Director, Env. Geoscience Center, Ill State Geological Survey


  • Eduardo Aguado
    "Optimization techniques and numerical methods for aquifer management"
  • Rene Barker
    "Computer simulation and geohydrology of a basalt aquifer system in the Pullman-Moscow Basin, Washington and Idaho"
    Hydrologist, United States Geological Survey
  • Shirley Dreiss
    "An Application of Systems Analysis to Karst Aquifers"
  • Ali Ghenaw
  • Julianne Levings
    c/o National Nuclear Security Administration, Program Manager
  • David Morgan
    "Hydrology of the Stillwater Geothermal Area, Churchill County, Nevada"
  • Nicholas Sitar
    Professor, University of California-Berkeley


  • Richard Iverson
    "Processes of accelerated pluvial erosion on desert hillslopes modified by vehicular traffic"
    Research Hydrologist, United States Geological Survey


  • Tarin Davies
    "A ground water model for analysis of the Amador subbasin of the Livermore Valley, California"
  • Steven Gorelick
    Professor, Stanford University
  • Richard Iverson
    Research Hydrologist, United States Geological Survey
  • Richard Iverson
    Research Hydrologist, United States Geological Survey
  • Uzo Okereke
    President, Okerenson Corporation
  • Joseph Poland
    "The occurrence and control of land subsidence due to ground-water withdrawal with special reference to the San Joaquin and Santa Clara valleys, California"
  • John Reeder
    "Experimental studies of the effects of ephemeral stream-flow depths on infiltration"
    Alaska Div Geol & Geophy Survey,


  • James Butler
    "The Automated Hydrogeologic System : description and application"
    Senior Scientist, University of Kansas Geological Survey
  • Barbara Evans
    "Statistical techniques for subsurface reservoir management"
  • Eric Reichard
    "Reconstruction of water availability along the San Luis Rey River in southern California"
    Research Hydrologist, United States Geological Survey
  • Eve Schauer
    "Hydrogeology and water resources of the Salt River Indian Reservation and related portions of the Salt River Valley Maricopa County, Arizona"


  • Eric Hvolboll
    Partner, Price, Postel & Parma
  • Steven Ingebritsen
    "Evolution of the geothermal system in the Lassen Volcanic National Park area"
    Branch Chief, United States Geological Survey
  • Lynne Preslo
    "Hydrogeologic testing at Elk Ridge No. 1 Borehole, Paradox Basin, Utah"
    President, GeoEco
  • John Reeder
    Alaska Div Geol & Geophy Survey,
  • Elizabeth Thomson


  • Dorothy Atwood
    "Management of contaminated groundwater with aquifer simulation and linear programming : the development of a hydraulic gradient control procedure"
  • Peter Davies
    "Deep-Seated Dissolution and Subsidence in Bedded Salt Deposits."
    Deputy Director, Sandia National Laboratories
  • Hedeff Essaid
    "A quasi-three dimensional finite difference model for the simulation of fresh water and salt water flow in a coastal aquifer system"
    Hydrologist, U S Geological Survey
  • Barbara Evans
    "Mine Capacity Utilization During Recessionary Periods: Operating Strategy in the Domestic Copper Industry."
  • Julie Galton
    "Magnitude and frequency of suspended sediment transport in four tributary streams of Lake Tahoe"
  • Richard Iverson
    "Unsteady, Nonuniform Landslide Motion: Theory and Measurement."
    Research Hydrologist, United States Geological Survey


  • Jean Bahr
    "Hydrostratigraphic Interpretation and Ground Water Flow Modeling of Sedimentary Deposits in the Vicinity of the Gloucester Landfall, Ontario, Canada."
    Professor, University of Wisconsin-Madison
  • Kenneth Belitz
    "Hydrodynamics of the Denver Basin: An Explanation of Subnormal Fluid Pressures."
    United States Geological Survey,
  • Eric Reichard
    "The Influence of Hydrologic Factors on the Benefits of Groundwater Management in Areas of Irrigated Agriculture"
    Research Hydrologist, United States Geological Survey
  • Margot Sherr
    "An analysis of the economics of petroleum extraction on the continental shelf of eastern China"
  • Stephen Walbridge
    "Optimal well field designs for the rehabilitation of the Gloucester special waste site near Ottawa, Ontario, Canada"


  • Linda Bond
    "Origins of seawater intrusion in a coastal aquifer : a case study of the Pajaro Valley"
  • Wesley Danskin
    "Hydrologic optimization techniques used to evaluate management policies for a surface-water / ground-water system near Livermore, California"
    Hydrologist, US Geological Survey
  • James Davis
    "Potential pollution loading to natural waters as a function of land use : a methodology applied to a coastal plain in Spain"
    Vice President, Power & Energy, Enviance
  • Steven Ingebritsen
    "Vapor-Dominated Zones Within Hydrothermanl Convection Systems: Evolution and Natural State."
    Branch Chief, United States Geological Survey
  • Yvonne Meeks
    Geologist, Pacific Gas & Electric Company
  • Brian Wagner
    "A statistical methodology for estimating transport parameters for aquifers and streams : applications to one-dimensional systems"
    U S Geological Survey,


  • Jean Bahr
    "Applicability of the Local Equilibrium Assumption in Mathematical Models for Groundwater Transport of Reacting Solutes."
    Professor, University of Wisconsin-Madison
  • James Butler
    "Pumping Tests in Nonuniform Aquifers: A Deterministic/Stochastic Analysis."
    Senior Scientist, University of Kansas Geological Survey
  • Hedeff Essaid
    "Fresh Water - Salt Water Flow Dynamics in Coastal Aquifer Systems: Development and Application of a Multi-Layered Sharp Interface Model."
    Hydrologist, U S Geological Survey
  • Yvonne Meeks
    "Hydrogeology of the Twin Cities Basin with Numerical Emphasis on the Mount Simon-Hinckley Aquifer."
    Geologist, Pacific Gas & Electric Company
  • David Stonestrom, US Geological Survey, Menlo Park, CA


  • Lizanne Avon
    "A contaminant transport model of trichloroethylene movement in groundwater at Castle Air Force Base, California"
    Evaluation Ofcr./Pesticide Modeler, Pest Management Regulatory Agency
  • Jaime Gomez-Hernandez
    "Dynamic network design for estimation of groundwater flow and mass transport in a one-dimensional aquifer using the Kalman filter"
    Professor, Universidad Politecnica
  • Robert Greenwald
    "A planning model for groundwater plume removal with cleanup time as a management variable "
  • L. Lefkoff
    "The Hydrologic and Economic Effects of Water Marketing on an Irrigated Stream-Aquifer System Subject to Salinity Degradation."
    Principle Analyst, University of California-Davis
  • Michael Pinto
  • Stuart Rojstaczer
    "The Response of the Water Level in a Well to Atmospheric Loading and Earth Tides: Theory and Application."
    Professor, Duke University
  • Brian Wagner
    "Optimal Groundwater Quality Management Under Uncertainty."
    U S Geological Survey,


  • Constance Travers
    "The Effects of Groundwater Circulation on Heat Flow at Cajon Pass, California."
    Environmental Scientist, Stratus Consulting


  • Scott Brogan
    "Aquifer remediation in the presence of rate-limited sorption"
    CSS Ltd.,
  • Gregory Carroll
    "Hydrogeologic analysis of the Santa Clara Valley Groundwater Basin"
    Hydrogeologist, Bechtel
  • Robert Coontz
    "Simulation of groundwater flow at the Bemidji, Minnesota, crude-oil spill site, and implications for advective transport of dissolved contaminants"
    Deputy News Editor, Science Magazine
  • Robert Gailey
    "Design of Cost-Effective, Reliable Remedial Pumping Schemes: Application to the Gloucester Landfill Groundwater Contamination Problem"
  • Jaime Gomez-Hernandez
    "A Stochastic Approach to the Simulation of Block Conductivity Fields Conditioned upon Data Measured at a Smaller Scale."
    Professor, Universidad Politecnica


  • Charles Harvey
    "Interpreting parameter estimates obtained from slug tests in heterogeneous aquifers"
  • Leah Rogers
    "Optimal Groundwater Remediation Using Artificial Neural Networks and the Genetic Algorithm"
    c/o University of California, Software Licensing Executive
  • Claire Tiedeman
    "Optimal hydraulic containment designs under parameter uncertainty for a vinyl chloride plume in southwest Michigan"
    Hydrologist, United States Geological Survey


  • Leslie Dillard
    "Multiphase Flow Modeling of a Crude-oil Spill Site Using Geostatistical Simulation of Soil Hydraulic Properties"
  • Roy Haggerty
    "Design of multiple contaminant remediation in the presence of rate limitations"
  • David Hyndman
    "Estimating spatial patterns of aquifer parameters using seismic and tracer data"
    Associate Professor - Hydrogeology, Michigan State University
  • Carl Renshaw
    "Modeling Fluid Migration Through Physically-Based Fracture Networks."


  • Christine Koltermann
    "Geologic Modeling of Spatial Variability in Sedimentary Environments for Groundwater Flow Simulation"
    Principal/Hydrogeologist, Pegasus Geoscience
  • Charles Philbrick
    "Optimal conjunctive management of coupled surface water and groundwater systems using gradient dynamic programming"
    AREVA T&D Inc,
  • Alicia Wilson
    "Evaluation of pumping strategies for managing land subsidence in the Santa Clara Valley, CA " 
    Now Professor at the University of South Carolina


  • Robert Abrams
    "Long-range buoyancy-driven oil migration in the Illinois basin"
    Research Scientist, Stanford University
  • Rahul Gandhi
    Ascend Capital
  • Stephen Hedberg
    "The effects of hydraulic conductivity heterogeneity on the remediation performance of an in-well volatile organic compound (VOC) vapor stripping system: a simulation perspective"
  • David Hyndman
    "Inferring aquifer properties using seismic travel times and tracer concentrations"
    Professor - Hydrogeology, Michigan State University


  • Roy Haggerty
    "Aquifer Remediation in the Presence of Rate-Limited Mass Transfer"
  • Charles Harvey
    "Solute transport in spatially heterogeneous aquifers: mapping large-scale structures and modeling small-scale effects"


  • Charles Philbrick
    AREVA T&D Inc,


  • Erik Wahlstrom
    "Insular scale hydrologic response: Kaho?olawe, Hawaii"


  • Robert Abrams
    "A compartmentalized approach to simulating redox zones in contaminated aquifers"
    Research Scientist, Stanford University


  • Anona Dutton
    "Process-based simulations of near-surface hydrologic response for a forested upland catchment: the impact of a road"


  • Frederick Day-Lewis
    "Using radar tomography, tracer experiments and hydraulic data to characterize fractured rock flow systems"
    Hydrologist, US Geological Survey
  • Rahul Gandhi
    "Bio-enhanced in-well vapor stripping for the remediation of trichloroethylene contamination"
    Ascend Capital
  • Michael Pinto
    "Analysis of in-well vapor stripping : an integrated approach"
  • Iris Stewart-Frey
    "Development of a type transfer function approach for modeling non-point-source vadose-zone pesticide leaching at the regional scale"
    Santa Clara University


  • Trayle Kulshan
    "Analysis of saltwater intrusion in the West Coast and Central Los Angeles basins"
    Watsan Cordinator - Afghanistan, Action contre la Faim; Now in Dubai
  • Laura Leist
    "Simulation and analysis of Arsenate and Arsenite adsorption/desorption onto iron (hydr)oxide minerals under static and dynamic flow conditions"
  • D'Artagnan Lloyd
    "A multivariate statistical analysis of soil and geologic data from the Pearl Harbor Basin, Oahu, Hawaii"
  • Leigh Soutter
    "Nonpoint source groundwater contamination : hotspots in regional-scale plumes"
    President, Physics Logic LLC


  • Christopher Addams
    "Water resource policy evaluation using a combined hydrologic-economic-agronomic modeling framework : Yaqui Valley, Sonora, Mexico"
    Formerly at:  Valmont Industries, Omaha
  • Nicholas Martin
    "Efficient simulation of surface flow in rivers and streams"
    Hydrologist, Clearwater Hydrology


  • Kamini Singha
    "Hydrogeophysical estimation of groundwater tracer concentrations from field-scale electrical resistivity tomography"
    Colorado School of Mines


  • Steven Loheide
    "Innovative methods for determining natural groundwater discharge in riparian environments"
    University of Wisconsin


  • Jacob Bauer
    "Regional Groundwater Flow Simulation of Sonoma Valley Including a New Model for Recharge and Three Future Scenarios"
  • Michael Ronayne
    "Understanding Groundwater Dynamics in Structurally Heterogeneous Aquifers" Colorado State University
  • Veena Srinivasan
    "An integrated framework for analysis of water supply strategies in a developing world city: Chennai, India," ATREE, Bangalore, India


  • Kevan Moffett
    "Groundwater - vegetation - atmosphere interactions in an intertidal salt marsh" UT Austin now at Washington State University


  • Laura Erban
    "Groundwater exploitation and arsenic occurrence in the Mekong Delta system" US EPA, Rhode Island
  • Mandy McLean
    "Remote sensing-based quantification of agricultural water use in the Zhangye basin, northwestern China, in light of rapidly increasing seed cord production", Science teacher, San Francisco
  • Irwin Remson (1923-2013)


  • Jim Yoon (MS toward PhD)
  • James Dennedy-Frank (MS toward PhD)


  • Jim Yoon
    "Evaluation of water security in Jordan using a multi-agent using a multi-agent hydroeconomic model"


  •  James Dennedy- Frank
    "Effects of land-cover change on streamflow: analysis of watershed simulations from around the world"


  • Ellen Ward
    "Hydrologic Change and Muskrat Population Dynamics in the Peace-Athabasca Delta, Canada."


  • Philip Womble
    Water Rights Markets in the 21st Century: Transaction Costs and Optimal Environmental Water Portfolios in Colorado, USA."