The Hydro Program offers both MS and PhD degrees in the Department of Earth System Science (ESS). Applications for admission to the Hydro graduate program in ESS should be submitted before the first week in December for studies beginning in the fall of the following year. Scores from the GRE General Test are very highly recommended for potential admission to the Hydro Program, and three letters of recommendation are required for potential admission to any program in ESS . All applications for admission to the graduate program must be submitted online. Applicants interested in the Hydro Group doctoral program should contact Professor Gorelick via email.
For additional information about our program or the admissions process, please contact:
Ms. Jonelle Whiting
Graduate Admissions
Water Resources and Hydrogeology Program
Dept. of Earth System Science (ESS)
Stanford University
Yang and Yamazaki Environment and Energy Building
473 Via Ortega, Room 140
Stanford, CA 94305-4216
Phone: (650) 721-1944
Fax: (650) 498-5099
Applications are due by early December for potential admission in late September of the following year. Admissions materials, including the completed applications, GRE scores (and TOEFL scores for non-english speakers), transcripts, letters of recommendation, and statements of research interests and preparation are submitted online. Those applicants interested in the Hydro Group should state this in their application and note specific interest in working in Professor Gorelick's lab.
Note to those in search of a temporary host program: Although graduate internships involving visits of a few months to a year are common in other places, unfortunately, the Hydro Group does not have a graduate internship program to host students getting their advanced degrees from other universities. This is the case regardless of whether a prospective graduate visitor has their own funding. Our space and facilities are dedicated to our own graduate students and post-doctoral fellows.